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Wrenbridge Land shortlisted for Estates Gazette front cover of the year award 2015

Image for Wrenbridge Land shortlisted for Estates Gazette front cover of the year award 2015



Rather than use tired clichés, we wanted our name to do the talking. Dragonfly – quick, agile and transparent – characterises our approach to lending. We took inspiration from a naturalist’s field guide, using its beautiful illustration to poke fun at the outdated lending market that we are here to disrupt, before using the annotations to highlight our range of products. Our strapline, “Dragonfly. An alternative species of lender”, reinforces the message of how different we are.

Dominic Gibson, investment manager – commercial real estate



We wanted to achieve a cover that was visually stimulating, engaging and, in a few simple graphics, demonstrated the cutting-edge nature of Wrenbridge. Our ethos is never letting people down, working hard and having fun, and we felt that with attention spans dwindling, distilling key facts into a single graphic with a few words would express our areas of expertise in a highly effective way. The design is also something completely different from the standard image-led covers.

Ben Coles, chief executive


Malcolm Hollis

The annual Malcolm Hollis front cover was scheduled for the weekend of the World Cup final and so we played on the football theme, highlighting our position as a “winning team” and defending world champions, for the EG Award. This was also an opportunity to demonstrate our shared traits with professional sportspeople: passion, dedication and being at the top of your game. The recognisable outline of a football was perfect to underline our areas of expertise.

Michelle Condon, business development partner

Helix cover 2015


We pride ourselves on our creative approach to property management. It’s not just an add-on service to our business, it’s what we do. With us there is no such thing as standard management. We constantly think outside the box to make a positive impact to every property in our care and we believe in exceeding our clients’ and tenants’ expectations in lots of little ways that have a big impact. This is portrayed in our design.

Amanda Nicolson, business development and marketing manager

Altus Group Cover 2015

Altus Group

We set out to create an eye-catching campaign that reflects what a headache business rates on empty space are for property owners, as well as our expertise in navigating a complex subject. The diver represents a property owner, fully committed to a course of action, yet suddenly faced with an unexpected outcome. It is a metaphor for the unanticipated and irrational legislation that ratepayers face, and we wanted to make clear we offer the specialist advice needed to remove the pain.

Dan James, marketing and public relations manager


Gerald Eve

Gerald Eve’s front cover is always the second week in December, so the challenge was to think of something festive, clever and that elicited a wry smile. We immediately liked the idea of a pile of books as it brought to mind Christmas presents, and was a strong image we could play around with. Over the past seven years we have thought up 250 ideas for our front cover, and the theme of books is undoubtedly a favourite.

Amy Potter, marketing and business development manager

Author: Rebbecca Kent, Estates Gazette
